Getting creative.

First off, I have to say that this is a prompt that is growing on me. The more I get involved with the process, the more I am loving it! For starters, once I thought about it, it was easy to decide on where to take my photos.....laying on the soft moss in my backyard that I think is soooo beautiful. I use to lay in the grass all the time when I lived in Washington and never do here in San Diego. It was lovely. Soft. My favorite color. It brought a smile to my face and made my heart feel light as a feather.

When I got back to my computer and looked at the photos, I realized that I had forgot to put any makeup on this morning. This got me thinking about my captions, and just like I had hoped my creative engine took off. I thought about how much I feel at home in that place. Even though there isn't a lot of green where I live, I found some. It reminded me that I am ready to make life a natural way.....but still in a way that makes my dreams a reality.
See what I mean about this prompt growing on you?!? Grab your camera and find creativity.....
And here's Gloria's photo.....
Holy cow I am under the table.
I wanted to be silly and take a picture under a table. It's kinda wacky but it also makes you feel young at heart. Have fun with taking a creative picture.
Love, Gloria and Carrie
I love this prompt! Thank you for the inspiration. Here is my contribution.
I love your blog! Keep on inspiring!
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